
Founded: 1949

Marabout, which was a paperback pioneer in French-speaking countries when it was founded, continues to innovate and reinvent itself. Today it focuses on how-to guides and self-help. Marabout quickly became the market leader in this genre thanks to its ability to combine trendy topics with appealing graphic design and affordable prices. Its catalogue spans a wide range of categories from cooking to health, education, well-being, nature, gardening, arts & crafts, games and sports, and regularly incorporates innovative concepts to draw a wide readership worldwide. Marabout has also expanded to include comics (with its Marabulles collection), crime fiction (with its BlackLab imprint) and fiction (with the La Belle Étoile imprint).

Related brand(s)

  • Black Lab

    Black Lab is about high-end crime fiction: a savvy selection of French and foreign prizewinning authors (Prix de l’Embouchure and Prix Polar francophone du Festival de Cognac for example).

  • Marabulles

    Marabulles publishes socially conscious graphic stories by young talents, including several notable bestsellers (Simone Veil l’Immortelle, Il est où le patron, Le Manifeste des 343, etc.). 

  • La Belle Étoile

    La Belle Etoile is home to fiction and non-fiction that boldly explores the world and the ties that bring us together or pull us apart.



58, Rue Jean Bleuzen
CS 70007
92 178 Vanves CEDEX


(33) (0)1 43 92 30 00

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