Hachette Collections

Hachette Collections is the leader in the partworks market and the direct marketing book market. The company sells its partworks collections in France, Belgium, Switzerland and Canada with great success. In recent years, collections such as Marvel ClassicsTintin’s CarsThe Art of Knitting and Firefighting Cars and Trucks have enjoyed very strong sales. Regarding the direct marketing book business, year after year, Hachette Collections recruits hundreds of thousands of new readers in France and Belgium for the Disney Book Club and other children’s book collections, such as the new Cars collection, through various channels such as email, telemarketing and the Internet. Through its international division, Hachette Collections is also active in the German market, developing numerous model kit collections that have proved highly successful. Recent examples include the Mercedes truck and a new version of the battleship Bismarck.



58 rue Jean Bleuzen
92178 Vanves Cédex


(33) (0)1 43 92 30 00

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