
Founded: 1857

Fayard is a trade publisher with over 150 years of history. Politicians, journalists, intellectuals and novelists contribute to its prestigious catalogue. It discovers, supports and promotes authors, helping some of them to become “classics”.  

Fayard is the imprint for intellectual essays that enrich our understanding of the world, fuel debates, and keep society moving forwards. It’s home to long-form works of investigative journalism like La Face cachée du Monde [The Dark Side of Le Monde], Les Fossoyeurs [The Gravediggers] and Le Livre noir de l’agriculture [Agriculture Exposed], which are crucial tools for democracy; political and topical non-fiction; commercial French literature that reconciles quality with a wide readership; and foreign literature with international reach. At the heart of Fayard’s DNA lies a desire to give everyone the keys to understanding our world. Determinedly forward-thinking, in 2023 Fayard launched a graphic novel imprint, Fayard Graffik, and gave their backlist a new lease of life with Œuvres Libres.

Fayard is a greenhouse that tends and protects its young plants to help them grow. Its pluralist, collective approach aims to serve the greater good.

Several imprints have joined Fayard over the years. They include Pluriel paperbacks, Mazarine, Pauvert and Mille et Une Nuits.

Related brand(s)

  • Pluriel

    Pluriel publishes non-fiction paperbacks in the social sciences, philosophy, history, economics and current events. Authors include Edgar Morin, Francis Wolff, Hélène Carrère d’Encausse, Thomas Porcher, Pierre de Villiers and Germain Louvet. Recent successes include L’Histoire du monde au XVe siècle [World History in the 15th Century] and L’Histoire du monde au XIXe siècle [World History in the 19th Century].

  • Mazarine

    Mazarine was founded in 1979 and earned a place in the spotlight four years later when it published Françoise Giroud’s scandalous roman à clef Le Bon Plaisir [The Good Pleasure]. Since it relaunched in March 2016, the imprint has been a laboratory for the emergence of future trends, underpinned by feminist activism and a rebellious mindset. It is home to authors from all different backgrounds, welcoming activist memoirs, new heroines in both fiction and non-fiction, and new romance. Mazarine is the library of our dreams.  

  • Pauvert

    Founded in 1979 by Jean-Jacques Pauvert, Editions Pauvert became a Fayard imprint in 1999. It has always stood out in the French publishing landscape by welcoming authors whose freedom verges on insolence. Pauvert published the first edition of the complete works of the Marquis de Sade and has also brought Leslie Jamison, François Bégaudeau, Georges Bataille and Boris Vian to French readers.

  • Mille et une nuits

    Éditions Mille et Une Nuits launched its La Petite Collection in 1993 with Lettre sur le bonheur [Letter on Happiness] by Epicurus, which sold over 100,000 copies. It publishes books that are accessible in terms of both size and price. Six hundred titles later, having published Seneca, Boris Vian, Sun Tzu, Montaigne, George Orwell and the SCUM Manifesto, it continues to bring readers an eclectic range of essential texts in the fields of literature, the social sciences and fine art. 



13, rue du Montparnasse
75006 Paris - France


(33) (0)1 45 49 82 00

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