A flurry of literary awards for Hachette Livre group imprints

The Hachette Livre group's imprints have shined in the 2023 literary season, with numerous authors and books winning awards.
  • Prix Renaudot 2023

Les Insolents by Ann Scott, published by Calmann-Lévy

  • Prix Renaudot Poche 2023

Le Retournement by Manuel Carcassonne, published by Le Livre de Poche

  • Prix Renaudot Essai 2023

De Gaulle, une vie : l’homme de personne (1890-1944) dby Jean-Luc Barré, published by Grasset

  • Prix de Flore 2023

Western by Maria Pourchet, published by Stock

  • Prix Médicis roman étranger 2023 (first place ex aequo)

Impossibles adieux by South Korean author Han Kang (translated by Kyungran Choi and Pierre Bisiou) published by Grasset

  • Grand Prix de Littérature Américaine 2023

Un monde de ciel et de terre by Aleksandar Hemon (translated by Michèle Albaret-Maatsch) published by Calmann-Lévy

  • Prix Stanislas 2023

Vous ne connaissez rien de moi by Julie Héraclès, published by JC Lattès

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